
Every art has tools of the trade. Items needed to complete your masterpiece - make it possible. Tools may include a paint brush, a staple gun, counter space, or a level. But a tool of the trade may also include a specific environment, a certain feeling, or music in the background.

I decided to ask some of my favourite Etsy sellers what their "tools of the trade" are.

AnnyMay can't live without her sewing machine. The sweet re-purposed house slippers in the below image are one of her designs. But for AnnyMay, her sewing machine is at it's best in her century house, surrounded by her family - surrounding herself with family is her tool!

Zenbecca needs her tiny, super sharp scissors and glue sticks - lots of glue sticks. She also needs lots and lots of stuff - inspiration just happens. But along with inspiration, must come the courage to crack open the stash of goodies, and the vision to see beyond the obvious.

Visit zenbecca here

Watercolour artist, multi-media artist, CrazyBliss has a tool arsenal, including her own two hands. But to be at her creative best, she needs space, and some time to herself. Pencils, paper towels, paper cutters, screwdrivers, cutting boards, synthetic watercolour brushes, and good lighting are her regular tools.

Visit Crazy Bliss here

Making the perfect handmade soap, jam or jelly, or even a lip smacking lip balm, BovineBubblesandHogwash needs her scale! And for all of her super shower goodies, with a waterproof label, she needs her laser printer!

Visit BovineBubbles here

And the best tool of all, no matter what your art, was mentioned to be by CrazyBliss - yoga. Yoga to start, and taking breaks while you are working to stretch yourself out. Yoga not only brings increased strength and flexibility to your body, but it can help to clear your mind...opening up the creative flow!


Anonymous said...

Great post! I love it! Thinking i have to do my yoga! :)

Unknown said...

Awesome. Thanks for including me!

One day I would love to get together in a big room with all my fave crafty girls to see their creative process. Mind you, if I was working on my own stuff, I would miss most of what was going on around me. I get into a "zone" when I start snipping and sometimes I don't look up for hours.

Hmmm...somthing to think about, though!

Periwinkle Dzyns said...

really enjoyed this post Em!
what zenbecca said reminded me of how my mom used to go to church ladies sewing circle every tuesday afternoon - they stitched, bitched (of course they didn't call it that...) and came out refreshed - we need a modern equivalent!

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